Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So neglected.....

Dearest Blog, So sorry for neglecting you. Please forgive me. I doubt anyone has even noticed my absence but I really do want to reactivate and share some wonderful new ideas and recipes with anyone that happens by. Plus, I am famous for losing recipes I love so this will help me be able to keep track of them and make the things I have come to love whenever I want! I do still love, love, love grains and try to use them regularly. I have also developed a new, deep love of Beans! So...stay tuned...We are going to have some delicious, healthy, wonderful food! Sincerely, Grain Lady

1 comment:

  1. Oh Grain Lady youre ALIVE!!!! How I missed you! I cant wait for your new tips and get introduced into beans! Hooray! I did miss you and your absence so glad your back!!:)
